The Best Proxy For Security and Speed

Scrape. Play. And Stay Safe

Choose The Proxy That’s Right For You


Premium Proxies

SFRouter offers a dynamic and reliable proxy service with a wide pool of IP addresses. Users can regularly rotate IPs and manage multiple accounts to avoid server bans and firewalls. For superior capability, control, access, anonymity, and privacy, SFRouter’s premium service surpasses traditional free proxy servers.

Over 20 Geolocations
Total Anonymity

Residential Proxies

Residential proxies from SFRouter enhance web scraping by assigning authentic, geographically tied IP addresses. With residential proxies, you can securely, ethically, and anonymously scrape large amounts of data, making your digital footprint appear like any other consumer’s.

19 Geolocations
Total Anonymity

Private Proxies

SFRouter offers more than just alternate IP addresses; they provide dedicated support, unlimited bandwidth, and diverse IP locations to ensure smooth operations. Ideal for SEO monitoring, web scraping, and bypassing geo-blocks, our private proxies maximize access and anonymity. SFRouter is a reliable proxy manager and a genuine ally in digital privacy.

Over 30 Geolocations
Total Anonymity

Shared Proxies

At SFRouter, you gain access to high-quality IP addresses in a shared pool, prioritizing your privacy and performance. Committed to top-class service, SFRouter ensures you never encounter dead proxies, keeping you ahead in the game.

Over 50 Geolocatoins
Total Anonymity

4G Proxies

4G mobile proxies enhance online security and anonymity by masking your original IP address with one from a real mobile data network. Using SFRouter’s 4G mobile proxies ensures secure privacy and ample bandwidth, making your web activity appear as if it comes from a legitimate mobile user.

100 MBPS
Multiple Carriers
Total anonymity

5G Proxies

5G mobile proxies enhance online security and anonymity by masking your original IP address with one from a real mobile data network. With a 5G proxy, your web activity appears as if it comes from an authentic mobile user, allowing people and businesses to maintain a low profile. Using SFRouter’s 5G mobile proxies ensures secure privacy and ample bandwidth for your operations.

300 MBPS
Multiple Carriers
Total Anonymity

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